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; Installer script for the Diz-Explorer program ; ; Changed for the TextLoaderNG 2.00 (05.01.99) ; ;****************************************************************************** ; _ _ ____ ; / \/ \ /___ | ; / /\/\ \ _ || ; / / /\ \ \ |_||| ; / / / \ \ \ ____|| ;/_/ /_/\_\ \_\\____| ; ; $VER: 3.00_Diz-Explorer_Installer (Nov-24-1997) ; ; If you wish to use any part of this installer you must ask us. ; ; Installer by Jochen Grus & Martin Gentile ©1996-1999 ; Diz-Explorer by Jochen Grus ©1997-99 ; Last Update: June-21-1999 ;--------------------------------------- ; This could be your logo! ; __ __ _______ ; / \/ \ /_____/ \ ; / \ / \ / \ / / ; / / \/ \ \/ /\ \/ / ; / / / -\ \ \/ / / ; / / / __ \__/ / ; \_/ /__/ \_/\_____/ ; ; Explorer Version 4.70 ; ; © 1997-1999 by: ; ; Jochen Grus and Martin Gentile ;--------------------------------------- ; ; ; ; ; TextLoader by Pascal Gisin ©1994-99 ; ; TextLoaderNG by Jochen Grus & Pascal Gisin ©1999 ; ; ; ; ;****************************************************************************** (procedure Explor (set JOH 1) ( (while (< JOH 4444) (set JOH (+ JOH 1)) ) ) ) (procedure InformX (working (cat "\n\n" " Word 6,7,8\n" " WordPerfect\n" " AmiWriter\n" " WordWorth\n" " FinalWriter\n" " HTML\n" " RTF\n" " \n" ) ) ) (procedure InformY (working (cat "\n\n" "\n" "\n" "TextLoaderNG Version 2.09\n" "\n" "by\n" "\n" " Jochen Grus & Pascal Gisin \n" "\n" ) ) ) (InformY) (Explor)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (Explor) (Explor) ;*** System Stuff *** (set cpu (database "cpu")) (set vblank (database "vblank")) (set graphmem (database "graphics-mem")) (set totmem (database "total-mem")) (set osver (/ (getversion "LIBS:version.library") 65536)) (if (= vblank "60") ((set blank "NTSC")) ((set blank "PAL"))) (set fastmem (- totmem graphmem)) (if (= osver 37) (set workbench "2.0")) (if (= osver 38) (set workbench "2.1")) (if (= osver 39) (set workbench "3.0")) (if (= osver 40) (set workbench "3.1")) (if (= osver 41) (set workbench "3.5")) (set cpu (database "cpu")) (if (= cpu 68000) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68010) (set #cpu 1)) (if (= cpu 68020) (set #cpu 2)) (if (= cpu 68030) (set #cpu 3)) (if (= cpu 68040) (set #cpu 4)) (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/68060.library")) 0) (set #cpu 5) ) (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/ppc.library")) 0) (set #cpu 6) ) (if (> cpu 68010) (set #fpuGuess 0) (set #fpuGuess 1) ) (set vernum1 (getversion "TextLoader")) (set ver2 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set TextLoaderver (cat ver1 "2.09" rev1)) (if (> (exists ("env:Language")) 0) (set lanfound (getenv "Language")) ) (set lan 0) (if (= "english" lanfound) (set lan 0)) (if (= "deutsch" lanfound) (set lan 1)) (if (= "italiano" lanfound) (set lan 2)) (if (= "francais" lanfound) (set lan 3)) (if (= "svenska" lanfound) (set lan 4)) (if (= "norsk" lanfound) (set lan 5)) (if (= "nederlands" lanfound) (set lan 6)) (if (= "dansk" lanfound) (set lan 7)) (set #English "English") (set #Deutsch "Deutsch") (set #Italiano "Italiano") (set #Francais "Francais") (set #Svenska "Svenska") (set #Norsk "Norsk") (set #Nederlands "Nederlands") (set #Dansk "Dansk") (set mfound 0) (set newicon1 1) (set keeper 1) (set firsttime 0) ;*********************************************************************** ; The English Installation Strings for the TextLoaderNG ;*********************************************************************** (set #about (cat "\n\n\n\nWelcome to the TextLoaderNG " TextLoaderver "\n\n\nCopyright © 1994-99 by\n\nJochen Grus & Pascal Gisin\n") ) (set #about2 (cat "\n\n\n\n Contact:\n\n Jochen.Grus@rhein-main.net \n\n or\n\n PGISIN@nextron.ch\n\n\n\n") ) (set #about3 (cat "\n\n\n\n Updates & Stuff at:\n\n www.nextron.ch/~force/\n\n or\n\nhttp://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Grid/8661/") ) (set #aboutpacker (cat "\n\n\n\nNothing yet - go on with the installation... ") ) (set #aboutdevices (cat "\n\n\n\nNow you should copy the font to the >Fonts< directory. ") ) (set #aboutlhacheck (cat "\n\n\n\n - W A R N I N G - Installation found the following file in the C-directory: LHACHECK. You should delete this file because it has the BBS-Trojan VIRUS!!! ") ) (set #aboutdatatype1 (cat "\n\n\n\n- W A R N I N G -\n\n Installation found Datatypes.library in Libs:\n\n V45.4. or higher! If the size of this file is 32748 (Normal 27kb) bytes you should know that this one a VIRUS!") ) (set #askcpu "\nThe installer has found the following CPU:\n") (set #askcpu2 "\nThe installer program has found a CPU. The installer should show correctly what kind of cpu is installed...\n") (set #whereTextLoader "Where do you wish to install the TextLoader. A directory called 'Textloader' will be created if one is not there. If a copy of Textloader is found it will be backed up.") (set #filethere1 "\n\nThe installer has found an TextLoader version ") (set #filethere2 " at ") (set #filethere3 "\n\nThe file will be renamed to ") (set #filethere4 " and it will then be moved to ") (set #backuptoXXX "Back-UP to file named 'TextLoader.") (set #copyover "Copy Over Old Version") (set #oktodelete1 "\nIs it ok to delete the older TextLoader binary so that the TextLoader Directory can be made?\n") (set #oktodelete2 "\nIs it ok to delete the older _renamed_ TextLoader binary so that the TextLoader Directory can be made?\n") (set #TextLoaderfound "\nThe Installer has found a copy of TextLoader already installed. What do you want to do?\n") (set #newicon "\nDo you wish to copy over The Textloader Icon from the archive? If you have any ToolTypes already set you should select no.\n") (set #nonewicon "No - ToolTypes already set.") (set #yesnewicon "Yes - Copy over the old TextLoader Icon.") (set #whatcat "\nSelect the TextLoader Language catalog you wish to install.\n") (set #wherecat "\nWhere do you wish to install the TextLoader Language Catalog? There is no need for it yet. Default is ") (set #catnofind "Can not find this catalog in this TextLoader archive. No need for it yet.") (set #whatdocs "\nWhat TextLoader documentation would you like to install?\n") (set #wheredocs "Where would you like the TextLoader documentation you selected to be installed?") (set #byebye (cat "\nTextLoader Install Complete!\n\n" )) (set #setup_help (cat "TextLoaderNG needs an Assign in main directory to " "properly setup. If you skip this pass you MUST " "manually enter it later in your User-StartUp or " "in a shell prior to run TextLoaderNG." ) ) ;*********************************************************************** ; The German Installation Strings for the TextLoaderNG ;*********************************************************************** (if (= lan 1) ( (set po 1) (set #about (cat "\n\n\n\nWillkommen zum TextLoaderNG " TextLoaderver "\n\n\nCopyright © 1994-99 by\n\nJochen Grus & Pascal Gisin\n") ) (set #about2 (cat "\n\n\n\n Kontakt:\n\n Jochen.Grus@rhein-main.net \n\n or\n\n PGISIN@nextron.ch\n\n\n\n") ) (set #about3 (cat "\n\n\n\n Updates & Stuff at:\n\n www.nextron.ch/~force/\n\n or\n\nhttp://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Grid/8661/") ) (set #aboutpacker (cat "\n\n\n\nNichts vorhanden - Weiter mit der Installation. ") ) (set #aboutdevices (cat "\n\n\n\nJetzt sollten Sie den Font in das >Fonts< Verzeichnis installieren. ") ) (set #aboutlhacheck (cat "\n\n\n\n - W A R N U N G - Installation hat folgende Datei im C-Verzeichnis gefunden: LHACHECK. Sie sollten diese Datei entfernen, da es den VIRUS BBS-Trojan enthält!!! ") ) (set #aboutdatatype1 (cat "\n\n\n\n- W A R N U N G -\n\n Installation hat folgende Datei im LIBS-Verzeichnis gefunden: DataTypes.library Version 45.4. Sie sollten diese Datei nach einen Virus überprüfen, wenn die Dateigröße 32748 bytes hat würde ich sie sofort löschen! ") ) (set #askcpu "\nFolgender Prozessor wurde vom Installer erkannt:\n") (set #askcpu2 "\nDer Installer hat einen Prozessor gefunden. Es müßte den richtigen Typ korrekt erkannt haben! \n") (set #whereTextLoader "Wohin wollen Sie den TextLoaderNG installieren ? Ein Verzeichnis 'TextLoader' wird erzeugt, wenn es nicht existiert. Wenn bereits eine TextLoader Version vorhanden ist, kann diese gesichert werden.") (set #filethere1 "\n\nDas Installationsprogramm hat eine TextLoader Version gefunden") (set #filethere2 " at ") (set #filethere3 "\n\nDie Datei wird umbenannt in ") (set #filethere4 " und wird dann verschoben nach ") (set #backuptoXXX "sichern als Datei 'TextLoader.") (set #copyover "alte Version überschreiben") (set #oktodelete1 "\nSind Sie damit einverstanden, daß das alte TextLoader Hauptprogramm gelöscht, so daß das TextLoader Verzeichnis erstellt werden kann?\n") (set #oktodelete2 "\nSind Sie damit einverstanden, daß das alte _umbenannte_ TextLoader Hauptprogramm gelöscht wird, so daß das TextLoader Verzeichnis erstellt werden kann?\n") (set #TextLoaderfound "\nDas Installationsprogramm hat bereits eine installierte TextLoader Version gefunden. Was wollen Sie tun?\n") (set #newicon "\nWollen Sie das TextLoaderNG Piktogramm aus dem Archiv übernehmen? Wenn Sie bereits die Programmmerkmale verändert haben, wählen Sie bitte Nein.\n") (set #nonewicon "Nein - Programmmerkmale verändert.") (set #yesnewicon "Ja - Überschreibe das alte TextLoader Icon.") (set #whatcat "\nWählen Sie die Sprache, die installiert werden soll.\n") (set #wherecat "\nWohin wollen Sie die Sprachdatei installieren? Wird noch nicht gebraucht. Eingestellt ist ") (set #catnofind "Ich kann die passende Sprachdatei im Archiv nicht finden. Wird noch nicht gebraucht.") (set #whatdocs "\nWelche Anleitung zum TextLoaderNG wollen Sie installieren ?\n") (set #wheredocs "Wohin wollen Sie die gewählte Anleitung kopieren?") (set #byebye (cat "\nDie TextLoaderNG Installation wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen!""\n\nViel Spaß beim arbeiten...\n\n" )) (set #setup_help (cat "Der TextLoaderNG braucht ein Assign um richtig arbeiten " "zu können. Wenn Sie jetzt abbrechen müssen Sie später " "diese Einträge manuell in der User-StartUp vornehmen " "oder im Shell ein Assign herstellen um mit TextLoaderNG " "arbeiten zu können. " ) ) ;*********************************************************************** ; The Italiano Installation Strings for the TLNG ;*********************************************************************** ;(set #setup1 ; (cat ; "Per preparare l'ambiente del TLNG DEVO modificare la tua " ; "User-StartUp aggiungendo i seguenti comandi:\n\n" ; ) ;) ; ;(set #setup2 "Se salti questo passo DOVRAI inserirli manualmente più tardi.") ; ;(set #setup_help ; (cat ; "TextLoader necessita di un assegnamento alla sua directory " ; "principale al fine di funzionare correttamente. Se " ; "salti questo passo DOVRAI inserirlo manualmente nella " ; "tua User-StartUp o in una shell prima di eseguire il TLNG." ; ) ;) ; ;Please make your own Strings for the installation... Si! I will do it! ; ;and send it to me... ; ;*********************************************************************** ; The Francais Installation Strings for the TLNG ;*********************************************************************** ; ;Please make your own Strings for the installation.. Qui! je vais le faire! ; ;and send it to me... ; ;*********************************************************************** ; The Svenska Installation Strings for the TLNG ;*********************************************************************** ; ;Please make your own Strings for the installation... Yo! I will do it! ; ;and send it to me... ; ;*********************************************************************** ; The Norsk Installation Strings for the TLNG ;*********************************************************************** ; ;Please make your own Strings for the installation... Yo! I will do it! ; ;and send it to me... ; ;*********************************************************************** ; The Nederlands Installation Strings for the TLNG ;*********************************************************************** ; ;Please make your own Strings for the installation... Yo! Ick do dat! ; ;and send it to me... ; ;*********************************************************************** ; The Dansk Installation Strings for the TLNG ;*********************************************************************** ; ;Please make your own Strings for the installation... Yo! I will do it! ; ;and send it to me... ; ) ) ;*********************************************************************** ; Tach Mädelz and Jungz ! ;*********************************************************************** (message #about) (welcome) (message #about2) (welcome) (message #about3) (welcome) ;******************************************************************** ; Checking the CPU - Hello CPU are you there??? ;******************************************************************** (set cpu (database "cpu")) (if (= cpu 68000) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68010) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68020) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68030) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68040) (set #cpu 1)) (if (= cpu 68060) (set #cpu 1)) (if (= @installer-version 0) (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/68060.library")) 0) (set #cpu 1) ) (if (= cpu 68060) (set #cpu 1)) (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/ppc.library")) 0) (set #cpu 2) ) (if (= cpu 68060) (set #cpu 1)) ) (set cpuPick (askchoice (choices "68020 or 68030" "68040 or 68060" "PC603 or PC604") (prompt #askcpu) (help #askcpu2) (default #cpu) ) ) (if (= cpuPick 0) (set cpuadd ".020")) (if (= cpuPick 1) (set cpuadd ".040")) (if (= cpuPick 2) (set cpuadd ".ppc")) ;*********************************************************************** ; Ask where to put the TLNG & Make a new directory if needed ;*********************************************************************** (set TextLoaderdir (askdir (prompt #whereTextLoader) (help #whereTextLoader) (default "SYS:") ) ) (set where TextLoaderdir) ;*********************************************************************** ; Check to see if the TLNG is already there, if so ask to backup ;*********************************************************************** (if (= 1 (exists (tackon where "TextLoader") ) ) ( (set vernum1 (getversion (tackon where "TextLoader") )) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set TextLoader_old (cat ver1 "." rev1)) (message (cat #filethere1 ver1 "." rev1 #filethere2 where #filethere3 (cat "TextLoader" TextLoader_old) #filethere4 (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader") ) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon where "TextLoader")) (dest where) (infos) (newname (cat "TextLoader." TextLoader_old)) ) (delete (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader") (prompt #oktodelete1) (help #oktodelete1) (confirm) (infos)) (if (< (exists (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader")) 2) (makedir (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader") (infos)) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon where (cat "TextLoader." TextLoader_old) )) (dest (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader")) (infos) ) (delete (tackon where (cat "TextLoader" TextLoader_old)) (prompt #oktodelete2) (help #oktodelete2) (confirm) (infos) ) ;(set firsttime 1) ) ) (if (< (exists (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader")) 2) (makedir (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader") (infos)) ) (set where (tackon TextLoaderdir "TextLoader")) (set @default-dest where) ;******************************************************************** ; Check for the old one and backup it or not... ;******************************************************************** (if (exists (tackon where "TextLoader")) ( (set vernum1 (getversion (tackon where "TextLoader") )) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set TextLoader_old (cat ver1 "x." rev1)) (set keeper (askchoice (choices (cat #backuptoXXX TextLoader_old "'") #copyover) (prompt #TextLoaderfound) (help #TextLoaderfound) (default 0) ) ) (if (= keeper 0) (copyfiles (source (tackon where "TextLoader")) (dest where) (infos) (newname (cat "TextLoader" TextLoader_old)) ) ) (set firsttime 1) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy over the old TLNG file and Icon if wanted (Sure!) ;******************************************************************** (copyfiles (source "TextLoaderNG") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "RAM:TextLoader/TLNG.key") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "RAM:TextLoader/TLNG.prefs") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "RAM:TextLoader/TLNG.color") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "RAM:TextLoader/TLNG.language") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "RAM:TextLoader/TLNG.font") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "Ram:TextLoader/Extras") (dest (tackon where "Extras")) (all)) (copyfiles (source "Ram:TextLoader/Rexx") (dest (tackon where "Rexx")) (all)) (copyfiles (source "Ram:TextLoader/Locale") (dest (tackon where "Locale")) (all)) (copyfiles (source "Ram:TextLoader/TextLoaderNG.guide") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "Ram:TextLoader/TextLoaderNG-Eng.guide") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "Ram:TextLoader/Jochen.Jpg") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "Ram:TextLoader/Pascal.Jpg") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) (if (= firsttime 0) (copyfiles (source "TextLoaderNG.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (OR (= keeper 0) (= (exists (tackon where "TextLoaderNG.info")) 0)) ( (set newicon (askchoice (choices #yesnewicon #nonewicon) (prompt #newicon) (help #newicon) (default 0) ) ) (if (= newicon 0) (copyfiles (source "TextLoaderNG.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Select and copy the files to the C-Directory... Goil ;******************************************************************** ;******************************************************************** ; Checking the Directories for viruses - Oh no... ;******************************************************************** (if (exists "c:lhacheck") (message #aboutlhacheck)) (set dataver (/ (getversion "LIBS:datatypes.library") 65536)) (if (= dataver 45.4) (message #aboutdatatype1)) ;******************************************************************** ; Select and copy the fonts to the fonts-Directory... Joh Mann! ;******************************************************************** (message #aboutdevices) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Copying the ThinPaz font") (source "ram:TextLoader/Fonts") (all) (dest "Fonts:") (confirm) (help "This will copy the ThinPaz font to the >Fonts< directory. " "If you copy it to the SYS:fonts directory, it will not check if there are already a font with this name! " "" ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Modify User-Startup - Wow! It work`s... ;******************************************************************** (set #setup1 (cat "\n\n\nTo get the TextLoader work right there has to be made " "some changes to your User-Startup !\n\n" command1 ) ) (if (= @language "deutsch") ( (set #setup1 (cat "\n\n\nUm mit TextLoader richtig arbeiten zu können, muß " "eine Änderung an der User-Startup vorgenommen werden.\n\n" command1 ) ) )) (set #setup2 (cat "If you skip this pass you MUST manually enter " "it later." ) ) (if (= @language "deutsch") ( (set #setup2 (cat "Wenn Sie jetzt abrechen, müßen sie später die Änderung " "manuell vornehmen !" ) ) )) (startup "TextLoader" (prompt (cat #setup1 "Assign TextLoader: \"" @default-dest "\"\n" "Path TextLoader: ADD\n\n" #setup2 ) ) (help #setup_help) (command "Assign TextLoader: \"" @default-dest "\"\n" "Path TextLoader: ADD\n" ) ) (working "\nDeleteing temporary files.") (run "Delete RAM:TextLoader ALL FORCE QUIET") (run "Delete RAM:TextLoader/c ALL FORCE QUIET") (run "Delete RAM:TextLoader.info ALL FORCE QUIET") (set #endnow (cat "Installation of TextLoader completed.\n" "When the lines:\n" command1 "\ndoesn`t appear " "in your Startup-Sequence or User-Startup, " "please do it manually.\n\n" "Best wishes...\n\n" "Jochen Grus & Pascal Gisin" )) (if (= @language "deutsch") ( (set #endnow (cat "\nInstallation von TextLoader beendet.\n\n" "Falls die Zeilen:\n" #setup1 "\nnicht in Ihre Startup-Sequence bzw. " "User-Startup eingefügt wurde, dann holen Sie dies bitte nach.\n\n" "\n\nWir wünschen ihnen viel Spaß mit den TextLoader!\n\n" "Jochen Grus & Pascal Gisin" )) )) ;******************************************************************************** ; Ende - Bye - Fin - Finito - Fuck i must go now - see u in the next whisky bar. ;******************************************************************************** (procedure Explor (set JOH 1) ( (while (< JOH 4444) (set JOH (+ JOH 1)) ) ) ) (procedure InformX (working (cat "\n\n" " Word 6,7,8\n" " WordPerfect\n" " AmiWriter\n" " WordWorth\n" " FinalWriter\n" " HTML\n" " RTF\n" " \n" ) ) ) (procedure InformY (working (cat "\n\n" "\n" "\n" "TextLoaderNG Version 2.09\n" "\n" "by\n" "\n" " Jochen Grus & Pascal Gisin \n" "\n" ) ) ) (InformY) (Explor)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (InformX)(Explor) (InformY)(Explor) (Explor) (Explor) (exit #byebye)